Stack Implementation in Python

Photo by Gus Ruballo on Unsplash

Stack Implementation in Python


2 min read

Welcome to the Stack Implementation with Python Page!

As we all know Python consists of many data structures like lists, tuples, arrays, and dictionaries. But we must know the basic data structures used in problem-solving which you will go through in this blog.

Stack is one of the basic data structures. The stack implementation goes like this:

|___1___|       STACK with 1 element

|___2___|       PUSH(2) : Element is pushed to the top of the
|___1___|                 stack

|___1___|       POP()   : Removes the top element

                peek()  : returns element at top

                isEmpty()   : checks if stack is empty

class Stack:

    def __init__(self, stack):
        self.stack = stack

    def push(self, ele):

    def pop(self):
        if self.stack :
            print("Stack is empty")


Check out the example I have demonstrated in the above code.

A stack is just like a stack of books. The book at the top is always removed from the stack of books. In the same sense, an element is popped from the top of the stack.

The book is stacked on top of another book. In the same way, the element is always pushed on top of the stack.

We initialize the stack class using a list and perform the push and pop operations using append() and pop() functions.

Stack stores data in the FILO method i.e. First-In-Last-Out method which means the element inserted first will be popped at last.

append(): This method appends an element to the list

pop(): This method removes the last item in the list which means the element which is recently inserted.

This was the Stack Implementation using Python. I hope you found this useful and informative. If there are any doubts then please let me know.